Communication is the process o sharing information between two or more person. It involves the ability to listen understand and give the right message to another person . For Communication of toke place there must be a sender and receiver
Type of Communication
- verbal Communication
- Non-verbal Communication
- visual Communication
Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication message is delivered using word. It is the most powerful and accurate tool for expressing and sharing ideas
Type of verbal Communication
- oral Communication
- written Communication
Non-Verbal Communication
In non-verbal Communication information is exchanged by using all other things excepts words its is the processing sending and receiving message without words . either spoken or written
Type of non-verbal Communication
- Gestures expressions
- Body language
- Eye gaze
Visual Communication
Any method which relies on picture , illusions and graphies of sharing message is Visual Communication.
Type of Visual Communication
- Power point presentation
- Chart graphs
- Black boards
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